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SKU : G6MS-G51
Brand :Megatronics Pk
Stock : Out of Stock
Price:PKR 3800.00
Arduino NEO-6M GPS shield is a GPS module breadout board designed for Global Positioning System receiver with SD interface. It is easy to use for recording the position data into SD card. 5V/3.3V compatible operation voltage level make it compatible with Arduino boards, leaf maple, IFlat32 and other arduino compatible boards.

It's based on RoyalTek REB-4216 GPS module , and the footprints is compatible with Arduino/MEGA boards. The regular GPS pins (RX, TX) can be connected to D0-D7 of Arduino.

Adding GPS to your Arduino has never been easier. Multiple GPS receivers attach easily to the shield, you will be able to locate your exact position within a few meters.  GPS also gives you amazingly accurate time! It’s suitable for the following applications with Arduino or Arduino compatible boards :

Automotive navigation
Personal positioning
Fleet management
Marine navigation
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