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Product Details

 Items Discontinued
Items Discontinued
Brand :Brand
Stock : Out of Stock
Price:PKR 1850.00
package includes:

1. The photographic blue oil 100 g 1 bottle
2. The ink thinner 100ML 1 bottle
3. developing powder 80 g 1 bottle
4. Tuomo powder 100 g 1 bottle
5. Films A4 10
6. Environmental etchant 180 g 1 package
7. sided CCL 10 x 15CM 5
8. copy lamp 8W black one
9. The ink brush painting a
10. The photosensitive solder green oil 75 g  1 bottle
11. Brush 1
12. plexiglass 20 x 30CM 1

 In order to streamline the course material, you can manually create a simple pretty board.

The packaging weight 2 kg.
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